Mission Statement

As proponents of freedom "It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound." To this "we mutally pledge to each other our lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."
(Joseph Smith Jr., The Declaration of Independence)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Key to Influence

Since the main purpose of this work is to persuade the reader as to the destructiveness of pride I must admit my own shortsightedness and arrogance in my thought that I could know anything about such a subject as to write a work that explores and explains it. In truth I have little experience to draw from: the number of my years, when counted, is nine less than the number of words in this sentence. My experience in writing is even more limited than my years and I have yet to author anything of renown. I have no credibility and you have every reason to set this down and never pick it up again. But know this; I have written what I know to be true. Its correctness I have proven for myself in my life. These principles have worked for me and I believe they will work for others if applied correctly.

Men of Truth

Christ said, “I am the son of the living God.” Moses, when presented before Pharaoh, demanded the release of the Israelites. Paul declared to the Corinthians and the Romans that the only way to gain eternal life was through the gospel he preached.
By what authority were they making such statements? The audacity of these declarations is really quite astonishing if you think about it. Jesus was the son of a carpenter. He lived in no palace, had no servants and held no political position yet he went about claiming that he was the King of kings and Lord of lords that the prophets of old had prophesied of. Even, that he was the son of God.
Moses, in his old age clothed in the garb of a shepherd with no weapon but the staff in his hand walks into the palace of the most powerful ruler of the world at that time and as bold as brass, demands the release of the Israelite slaves.
Paul was no more than a common man, yet he stated time and time again to all that would listen, from bond servants to high ranking military leaders that the only way to salvation was through the gospel of Christ.
Out of context one might think such claims were made either by men outrageously arrogant and elitists or lunatics. But in context we know that Christ, Moses and Paul all had an incredible influence and many believed on their words. And those who did not believe hated them; not because of any pomp and conceitedness but because they challenged their authority by simply having the courage to speak the truth which was something they could not refute.

The Key to Influence

Truth coupled with humility is one of the most powerful tools of influence. Like a two edged sword it cleaves in two the most impenetrable of shields disarming the most formidable of foes. When parted they are all but useless.
Truth is meant to be published to all the world, carried from continent to continent and sounded in the ear of highest of kings to the lowliest of laborers. God is the source of all truth. Throughout all the ages He has revealed truths unto men that they might better understand what they must do to become more like Him. And though no man can come to a knowledge of truth save it be through His spirit, He has chosen men to be the messengers to carry it unto the world; men who are imperfect, who have a tendency to place themselves at the center of their universe where God should be. When this occurs the truth does not reach those who need it. They can feel the pride and they shut their doors and bar their windows as if they were preparing for a hurricane.
To separate truth from humility would be like placing cargo (truth) on a ship (man) and then trying to travel from New York to London without any sails. Pride has sabotaged the ship rendering it completely and utterly useless. Truth is a door through which we desire to pass, pride is the lock that prevents our entry and humility is the only key which can unlock it. Truth cannot be prideful.

Field Experience

In conversation with a friend of mine we came upon a subject of interest that we disagreed, both felling very strongly about the rightness of our positions. We left that conversation unsettled, each frustrated with the other’s blindness to what appeared to be the obvious truth, but to be honest, I was not completely convinced of the truthfulness of my own opinion.
I spent the next few days thinking about that conversation, churning over and over in my head all the arguments and counter arguments that had been presented. I read articles about the issue; I asked the advice of friends and family members; I studied it out and at the end of all my efforts I had a powerful experience when I knew for a certainty that I had found truth.
I then spent the next few days planning the future conversation I wished to have with my friend. I thought up questions to ask, series of logical steps I would have to help my friend make, how I would say certain things and when I would say them and all this preparation was done with the thought in mind that I must forget my pride and my desire to be right for the desire to simply find and share truth.
The day came and I brought up the issue again in conversation. The discussion went beautifully and by the end my friend came to the same truth that I had. I had obtained my desire, I was victorious. But the victory was not filled with praises of my victory; indeed, my victory was rather lost in the shuffle with my friend’s as he took full credit for the find which was, in truth, totally and completely his. But this is really what I desired. My victory was in his victory and this could only be obtained by me being okay with not getting the glory. It was through these means that I had influence. It was through these means that my friend was willing to accept the truth I offered him.

Happiness or Misery, That is the Choice

Pride is at the root of all human misery. God has no desire but that his children might have joy and He has not left man to grope around for it blindly. God has shown to man the way that leads to happiness, all we have to do is follow. The moment we put our will before God’s, (this being pride), we trade happiness for misery.
Give up your pride, put your trust in God and He will reveal the truths and mysteries of heaven unto you. He will open doors for you that before were shut, expanding your influence to those who need to feel the light you posses.

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